Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one.
This mantra is for living life to the fullest and adopting a mindset to seize opportunities and succeed.
The principle of the Law of Attraction or the Secret. This is a philosophy for using positive thoughts to bring positive results. We attract what we desire. I absolutely believe in this and that is why we need to work on our internal world. On what we say to ourselves, the stories we tell ourselves and doing the work to love ourselves.
The key to this, to manifesting a life you desire, the connections you crave, the opportunities and success you want, is knowing what you really want. Just like any goal setting. The more self awareness you can bring to what it is and the more specific you can be the better.
How to know yourself. Follow your heart. Tune into your soul. Align with your truth. Follow your intuition. Understand your map of the world your patterning, conditioning and triggers. Practice keeping a clear head and feeling your emotions but not reacting to them. And most of all you must keep believing in yourself.